NQRY has worked collaboratively with public safety organisations to develop an Enterprise Search tool with a focus on a fast, reliable and intuitive search capability. A key challenge for security and public safety agencies is their data stores are comprised of multiple legacy and modern systems that silo information - making information discovery a time consuming and very manual process. There is also a need to make sense of a variety of unstructured data and make it available for analysts and investigators.
This led to the release of NQRY Enterprise Search, able to ingest from a range of customisable and organisation-wide data sources including email, file systems, SharePoint and entity stores – and with extensive, dynamic volumes of data. The search solution provides a simple and familiar “one box search” interface together with advanced search and filtering, and all with device-independent access. The search tool is scalable to meet performance demands for large organisations.
NQRY develops custom connectors for other data stores – including third party sources, and has designed the search tool as a flexible platform for ongoing evolution and future enhancement and customisation.
The Search Portal supports both simple (“one box”) and complex querying functions. The portal is accessible through any modern web browser, including mobile devices, and is backwards compatible with legacy browsers, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.
Users can search through all data – not only document metadata, but also the text inside documents. This includes compound document types. NQRY provides all the complex search parameters expected of a modern tool – including Boolean searches, fuzzy matches that ignore misspellings and find alternate spellings, and phonetic searches.
All search data is protected with record level security. Records in the search index are protected based on the users or roles that have permission to view the underlying data source. The search tool also provides full auditing logs for access to the tool, for search users and administrators.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please get in touch.
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You can find us at:
Ground Floor, TechCentral
Lot Fourteen, Frome Road
Adelaide, South Australia
We’re part of the Lot Fourteen community.